
Every Day Counts

Research shows that students that attend school regularly do better at school. Every day your child learns something new at school. Every day they build on what they know, growing their knowledge and skills. This is why every day at school counts.


Attendance for all students from Pre-primary to Year 6 is compulsory. While enrolment in Kindergarten is not compulsory, it is our school's expectation that enrolled Kindergarten students attend school on a regular basis in the same way as other year levels. It is a legal requirement to notify the school when your child is absent from school. The school will follow up all unexplained absences, including in Kindergarten.

In-term Vacations

Please note that all instances of vacation that occur inside school terms are classified as unauthorised absences. Our school policy is to not provide work for students to complete during in-term vacations. All in-term vacation absences should be made in writing to the Principal.

Absentee Notification

You can notify your child's class teacher or the school office if your child will be absent from school. Our school uses an SMS notification system for student attendance. This system sends a text message for any unexplained absence. This will normally occur by 10:00am each school day.

Late Arrivals

If your child is late to school, please go to the school office. A late pass will be given to your child to be handed to the class teacher.