Specialist Subjects

As part of the focus on developing the whole-child, students at Yarralinka Primary School engage in a number of subjects that are delivered by specialist teachers.

In 2023 our school is proud to offer the following subjects as specialist subjects:


Our students receive a weekly Mandarin language lesson. Mandarin has been selected by our school due to it being one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and the ability for students to continue studying it at our local public feeder secondary school.


Students from Pre-Primary upwards participate in a weekly Music lesson. These lessons focus on using active student participation to develop a variety of musical skills. 

Physical Education

Our students receive a weekly Physical Education lesson which focuses on developing fundamental movement skills and sports specific skills and strategies. In addition to this, all classes engage in a whole-school morning fitness program for four mornings a week. 


In Science, all classes from Pre-Primary upwards engage in two Science lessons a week. These lessons focus on teaching core scientific concepts and investigation skills.